Guidelines for Employee and Patient Safety during the COVID-19 Pandemic


As more cases of COVID-19 continue to spread around the world and with cases on the rise in South Carolina, we will take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of this virus within the workplace.

Many people with COVID-19 have no symptoms, so the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that Americans wear cloth face coverings as a possible way to protect one another from infection. Since cloth masks do not provide the level of protection needed at the typical healthcare facilities, please use the following guidelines unless instructed by client facility manager.


Wearing Masks

All employees must wear a masks when entering client worksite/building. Masks must be worn at all times. The following is a list of masks that must be worn at your assigned worksite:

  1. KN95 or N95 masks should be worn during patient care and when in close proximity of each other (within 6 feet). These masks provide more protection against airborne particles than a surgical mask even if they have not been fit tested.

  2. Surgical masks can be worn by staff that are sitting behind glass partitions or when more than 6 feet away from someone.

  3. N95 Masks (Fit Tested) are used with testing of the nose and mouth and aerosolizing procedures.

  4. Cloth Masks may be worn over the above masks if desired.

    Masks must be worn over your NOSE and MOUTH
    . Be sure to seal the nasal bridge area of the mask when putting it on.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Eye wear, gowns and gloves must be worn with patients suspected of COVID-19 or having symptoms consistent with COVID-19. However, they can be worn anytime if necessary or preferred. With testing, you must wear all of your PPE: eye wear, gowns, gloves and a fit tested N95 mask.


  • No eating together. Since masks have to be removed in order to eat, please do not eat around other employees at this time.

  • Temperature check - all employees will be screened at the front entrance when entering the healthcare facility. Anyone with temp over 100.0 will not be allowed to begin work and should report temperature to their supervisor.

    Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in disciplinary action.